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Ruad Marine Services
Membru Gratuit
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Ruad Marine Services
Rating si Pareri
0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#3996 din 3996 de Companii din Transport
Membru Gratuit din 2014
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Scrie o parere
Ruad Marine Services Ruad Marine Services 0721033854 B-dul. Mamaia, Nr. 122, Constanta, Constanta
Produse si servicii

shipping, chartering, ISM, ship management, ship chandler

Tipul companiei


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Anul infiintarii


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2014!
Our company tries:
To become a leading and reputable integrated cargo transportation company in the markets that we serve.

To provide high quality cargo transportation to excellent customers.

To enhance the welfare of employees and the values for shareholders through sustainable business growth and optimum profit.

We believe that our people are our most important resource.

We believe teamwork is very important, and value individual creativity and innovation.

We believe in the importance of corporate growth and profit.

We value and provide our customers with high quality services.

We maintain prudence and good corporate governance in conducting our business.

We care for and act to protect our environment.

Shipping agency & services
Ship chartering
Technical management
Commercial management
Crew management.
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